How to get a mole in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet

Bible is always like Pokémon. The Pokémon type of type from the moment of its first appearance was present in many teams, and those who want him to be in your team in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, do not need to look further. Here's how to get a mole in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

Где найти Гибла в Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

To find a die in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, you must go west, towards the western Kandinsky Sea. You will encounter a region with several caves, and you can find a die in these caves. We found our own in the cave north of the southern province (sixth zone) and another northwest of the Western province (first zone).


Related: The best nature for the death, Habit and Markup in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

According to Giles Habitat, there is another place where you can meet Bible: Northeast Assad desert. Nevertheless, if you need Bible a lower level for learning, these two places higher are your best choice.

To increase the chances of meeting Gibbs, eat a sandwich that increases the number of meetings with a dragon type of type. Although you can face Dagon more often, you will find Gibbs or Habit using this method.

Additional Pokemon Scarlet and Violet manual. Find out how to get Destiny Knot in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet and how to get Amulet Coin at Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.


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