They mention deep detail in The Batman's outfit

Although The Batman premiered a long time ago in the cinema, many users continue to glance for the tape to find secrets, and thus the question is born behind the character's attire. This especially with the eyeliner of the eyes that he wears inside and outside the suit, and in seem, this makeup has more background than we can imagine.

The makeup has a very important visual purpose, since when Bruce takes away the hood, remains a reminder of what he has become and how, even without the suit, he is Batman. In addition, it is clarified that Bruce is one of the most lonely people in the city, since he is always within his mansion, specifically in the cave.

Dark dark circles are only a visual confirmation for the audience to really see how committed is the character with his role, giving enough time to fight evil as Batman. You can notice how Bruce prefers to be in someone's shoes, something that the tape director made clear when inserting many scenes in the suit.

How In general, the lesson that seeks to give the spectators, is to understand that we are seeing the night of the night, whether or not to use the suit, resulting in the marked makeup. Without a doubt, it is something that Robert Pattinson made quite clear during his journey, and now, many expect this aspect to stay in the second film.

Remember that _the Batman is available on streaming platforms.


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