Focus Home Interactive announces the purchase of Leikir Studio

Focus Home Interactive has announced the purchase of Leikir Studio.

The French study is currently working on Metal Slug Tactics, whose launch is scheduled for 2022 in Nintendo Switch and PC, distributed by Dotemu. Previously they developed titles such as Isbarah or Wondershot.

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Aurélien Loos, President and Founder of Leikir Studio, has assured that "we are happy to join Focus Group because it is an important step for the growth of our study. This acquisition validates our multi-production strategy and will allow us to reach new qualitative and creative milestones. It is A great recognition to the work done by our teams in recent years. "

Christophe Nobileau, President of Focus Home Interactive, added that "after Deck13, Streumon, Dotemu and Douze-Dixièmes, I welcome with great pleasure at a fifth study at Focus Group. We are constantly looking for new talents capable of growing and supporting the ambitions of Our group, and Leikir Studio is a logical choice to achieve this goal. "


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