Valorant: This will be the next character according to community theory

Valorant is going through a period of tranquility without too much news. The cadence of content for the title has been relaxed in the last patches and pace that a good part of the work of Riot Games will be noted throughout the next episode 4. However, the community is hungry for advertisements by the developer, and They have already begun to investigate the future of the title with interesting theories, among which it emphasizes one that could well have decrypted a few details of the next character.

A new agent to compete with Jet?

Top 5 NEW Agent Concepts! - Valorant All tracks about the future agent who will arrive in Valorant are in the dialogue lines of Chamber. This newcomer has several ways of interacting with the rest of the characters present in the title. During these conversations he reveals a few keywords that allow us to identify some characteristics of him. Among them occasions in which he refers to the next agent at female or in which he speaks of Manila (Philippines), revealing both gender and the possible place of origin.

In addition to these revelations, there are very interesting clues than more data could be extracted. He highlights especially a phrase that he exchanges with Jet in which Chamber says that the offensive agent par excellence needs something more competition and that know the right person. An idea that reinforces the thought of the community about the incorporation of a new duelist who can finally claim the throne that the Korean agent has occupying from the launched.

Something more caught with tweezers is the idea that the main characteristic of the agent is electricity. The use of keywords as Ergergica or the phrase he dedicates to Killjoy in which he says he knows the solution to the lack of a power source to the new project reinforce this last characteristic. Riot Games does not usually put the tracks as a deception, and this fact has served so that many think that they have all the keys of the next Valorant Agent.

Collecting the information and the theory fulfilled, the next character will have the following key features:

Female gender Origin : Manila (Philippines) ROL : Duelist Theme : Electricity



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