Valorant achieves the least number of cheats in his story, according to a Riot analyst

Since the launch of Valorant, Riot Games has been working on an insatously to reduce the number of cheating players and hackers within his Shooter tactical. Recently, one of the developers reported that the game seemed to have reached the lowest number in the history of the game with respect to cheats . The analyst Matt K3O Paoletti was the one who revealed these lower hackers in all history through an update published last Monday, although he did not reveal any specific figure.

According to the developer of Riot Games for Valorant, fighting the traps was an continuous arms race , since the malicious programs were evolving over time in an attempt to circumvent the security mechanisms of the US company. The current growth numbers of the traps and cheats are based on hardware and automatic learning algorithms, but Paoletti commented that Riot has been able to stay at the forefront of those malicious reinforcements so far.

Founding Interns of League of Legends Paoletti recognizes that there is still there and there will always be cheated in Valorant, but emphasizes that Riot s goal is to guarantee that cheats is never a viable path towards competitive long-term success. To that end, developers will continue to develop Vanguard , their system that detects cheats. While taking advantage of the most sophisticated advances in cybersecurity, including operating system security updates that allow us to identify and better prevent cheating .

The developer will also increase the focus on players who use secondary accounts for boosta to other players . The practice is quite famous and consists that a person of a lower range pays someone in a higher range to take it to a higher range. This is nothing new to the company, since the ELOBOOST is something quite recurrent in League of Legends, being Dopa one of the people that has earned the most money in this area.


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