LOL - Worlds: Riot Games could be preparing a new music band for the finals

Riot Games It is increasing more and more its musical facet with different groups and different music styles. It all started with Imagine Dragons and its Warriors , and then create groups and music bands in full as Pentakill, KDA or True Damage with a resounding success in each of them. Well, apparently the US developer has dropped the presentation of a new group of music for the next final of worlds as did it occur last year with KDA and its album all out with seraphine as a protagonist and new singer of the hip hop band.

Through the Sirapoolo user in Reddit, we have been able to see that Riot is preparing a plan for the final of these world . For three years, the company has always presented a musical group during the finals of each season, being kDa at 2018 , True Damage in 2019 and kDa again the year last. In addition, with the collaboration with Spotify and Universal not much and the appearance of pentakill before the world has caused many people to start speculating on a new band. But it has not been until now when one series of tracks has been discovered on this group allegedly called First Blood .

Through different captures of the video clip of so controversial Song of these Worlds , it has been possible to discover that the same logo always appeared in different places. As you can see, this drawing appears too many times to be just chance, so it is likely to be something big by Riot. Recall that all this are just rumors and it is not even official, but it smells very strange as not to suspect and tamar about the new missions of the company for the presentation of the finals that has always surprised us and Loaded speech


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