LOL: Riot also has favorite pressures, and demonstrates it with a change from next patch

Understanding the policy based on which it is decided which champions receive changes in each patch of League of Legends is practically impossible. Although from the developer they have norms where they leave clear the limits on which a champion should be retouched, Riot Games also reserves the right to carry out adjustments beyond this framework of action to adjust to other characters. A too subjective situation that gives rise to the community think, sometimes rightly, in which the creators have their favorite characters.

the change of next patch as the community or understand

The case that has led many players to complain about Riot Games has been Riven. The champion has been very affected by the reduction of power that the sucking has suffered in the latest version and immediately has received adjustments to two of its skills that will increase the value of its shield (value) and the damage of the stunning (outbreak of Ki ). The problem is that these improvements will join an increase of power of the object that will reverse part of the changes and that many other equally affected characters have been completely ignored so far.

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Especially striking is the case of OLAF, which accumulates a series of power reductions because of the great use of this object that will not be returned after the NERF. All a clamor for many members of the League of Legends community that becomes more serious if we serve the statistics of both characters: the Viking has also reduced its victory rate at three percentage points and is in a situation even worse to that of Riven.

Although this decision may be motivated by various situations such as the ease of adjusting the power of the character or mathematical projections of Riot Games itself, the truth is that it is easy to understand the frustration of some players from other champions. The community has been dealing with the problems of Renekton and weeks waiting for them to solve those of Ryze that have become the worst champion of the game. However, the Patches of League of Legends continue to happen and some of these characters do not receive the minimum attention to amend their hard situation.

Fortunately, the preseason will come very soon. An opportunity for Riot Games to start from scratch and turn off these small fires that has caused the particular policy of settings of the final stretch of season 11.


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