LOL: The delirious Chinese mounting of Tiktok with pentakill included that surprises the community

Riot Games is an American computer game development company based in West Los Angeles. The company developed the Moba League of Legends published in Europe and North America on October 27, 2009. Since the purchase of the last business shares in December 2015, Riot Games is a subsidiary of the Chinese Internet Group Tencent.

League of Legends is extraordinarily popular around the world and that has led to thousands of content creators related to the Riot Games title. A market in which it is difficult to get ahead because of the excessive competitiveness in what has become a whole arms race. It is increasingly difficult to surprise the community. However, Chinese players have found a gold mine in the assemblies able to always leave us speechless.

The most delirious assembly of League of Legends


The context in which they create this type of content is the same as we explain about that assembly of grasses that seemed impossible. The players of Chinese servers have more facilities than us to access the multiplayer version of the practice tool and try all kinds of crazy people. Something that many of them take advantage of bring the game to the limit with choreographed movements that are capable of being impressed.

Is the evident case of this last assembly of League of Legends that has become popular in social networks, in which we see a series of perfect movements by a group of players with Thresh, Amumu and Yone that ends in a great pentakill of A gallium fallen from the sky. All, thanks to the Cooperation of both teams to create an impressive visual effect whose only function is to delight the spectators.

Remove all the game to the spectacularity of League of Legends in a real game is practically impossible. However, this type of assemblies allow us to realize as far as the game could arrive when everything happens as a suitable way. An unexplored face of the game that also demonstrates how interesting it might be to have the practical tool with multiplayer mode available for the entire community.


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