Cognitive benefits to play online games

Google Play est une suite d applications créée par Google le 22 octobre 2008 par fusion des services Android Market, Google Movies, Google ebookstor et Google Music. Elle regroupe Play Store, une boutique d applications pour le système d exploitation Android, Play Films et séries, une boutique de location de films et de séries télévisées, Play Livres, une boutique d achat en ligne de livres et de magazines, et Play Jeux, un service de sauvegarde, de récompense et de défis autour des jeux mobiles disponibles sur le Play Store. Au 1er janvier 2013, le Google Play Store est fort de 800 000 applications, ce qui en fait le plus gros magasin d applications au monde devant iOS et ses 255 000 applications,.

There was a time when parents encouraged their children to play physical games. Online games were abhorred at the base, as they have been taken as a simple addictive source of entertainment without any benefit.

However, today, many research has proved otherwise. There are clear signs that the online game play a crucial role in improving cognitive skills, especially in children. Better cognitive skills mean that children will not only excel in their academic career, but also succeed in their professional and personal lives.

Here are the cognitive benefits that are a direct result of online games:

1 . improves concentration power

Playing a video game , you can not afford to lose your concentration. When your attention is directed to another location, you pay the price by making you lose.

In addition, online games become more and more competitive. This means that the margin of loss your concentration is even closer and that players should always be on guard. The researchers found that playing video games triggers a change in the activity of your brain and after an hour of play, the player tends to concentrate better.

2 . You make better decisions

This is not rocket science that better decisions lead us to a good life, while bad decisions have a negative influence on our lives. The same goes for games. The decision should be taken if a player has to survive in the conditions given in the game.

Players are constantly challenged to make quick decisions. It is more accurate to strategy games and shooting where a specific time allotted to take action. Everything is reflected in real life. When these events are repeated, the children make peace with unknown circumstances and do not panic in the face of complicated situations.

3 . improves memory

There are games that have a lot to do with your mind. In these games, players need to play their auditory memory and visual to win games. You have to remember different keys to play different games and inserting codes to benefit from various authorities. All these exercises are a world of good to improve your memory.

In 2015, the Journal of Neuroscience found in an experience that people who were gaming were more successful in the tasks focused on memory. Your family she has low memory? Involve everyone and plan to play family games.

4 . helps overcome dyslexia

Dyslexia can have several causes, but one of them is definitely the visual attention problem. The games are very effective in stimulating visual attention, especially action games.

In 2013, Cell published a study that the games could be a better alternative courses specifically designed for children with dyslexia. The same research also found that children from 7 to 13 years old read faster after playing certain video games.

One reason why the games are better than traditional treatments is that they are more fun and attract children, unlike anything else. So if your child has trouble keeping attention while reading, you should submit the online gaming platforms like Unlimited Gamez MB.

5 . enables you to efficiently multitask

Most games require us to do several things simultaneously. We must keep an eye on the remaining ammunition, the timer, the energy level and the events of the match. This is how we are mentally occupied.

Similarly, we are also very physically active. Move the joystick or try the keys. A simple wrong button press means we re out of the game. The level multitasking continues to become competitive as and as you go into a game.

The number of laps that you have deleted or your high score directly reflect your level of success in multitasking. No one can deny either his personal or professional life; mastery of multitasking is a huge bonus.

6 . slows mental decline

Under normal circumstances, our mind loses its luster as we age. The sharpness you have in your twenties may cease to exist from 50 years. The creative ability, abstract reasoning, memory and other features of your mind suffer a decline with age.

However, online games can provide effective protection against this process. In other words, they can keep your mind younger when you get physically aging. According to the study published in the Greater Good Magazine, computer games have a lasting effect on our minds.

This means that when we stop playing games, we did not return to the Departure box. The cognitive advantages remain intact for long. In summary, if you played video at a young age, there is a good chance that you do not have to deal with obstacles in remembering the names of parents far from your life.

7 . The spirit becomes flexible

Minecraft αλλά απίστευτα TRICKS......Famous Games The games are made of surprises. From time to time, you ask yourself a new challenge you did not expect. To win some, you have to go from one scenario to another. This is the brand of a first order game that allows you to install and test your mental capacity in depth before you declare victor.

This makes our mind more adopting in some way about the things around us in real life. We are not caught off guard when something is happening as improvistic.

8 . Develops spatial skills

Space skills consist of making the right conclusion of any information available. For example, if you are asked to jump from a specific location in a game, you must attend the condition and make it a perfect step without having the extent of the jump distance.

In the real world, we are all likely to deal with such delicate situations when we have to make flawless decisions on the basis of little information or advice. Greenfield s research also confirms that online games are able to improve the spatial skills of girls and boys.

Last thoughts

Research has shown that calling video games like a waste of time was now exceeded. If you can teach children to maintain balance, they have so much to do enjoy online games . Which online game do you like most play? Let us know in the Comment section.

The source: ENGADGET
